Wednesday 28 January 2015

Economic Systems (Week Two)

-An economy system was operation without government intervention.

- Decisions decided by individual and firm ONLY.
- Land and capital are privately owned.
- The price mechanism changes in price in response to change in demand and supply have the effect of making demand equal to supply.

- Individual free to make their own economic choice
- Freedom to workers and firm to choose where to work and what method to use for production.

Existence of wide gap between the rich and the poor
- Existence of unemployment problem

Planned Economy
  • Fully controller by government.

  • Decision are taken by government or central authorities.
  • Land and capital are collectively owned. The government or central authorities plan the allocation of resources.
  • Decision of allocation of resources always are in the interests of society as a whole and with specific national goals.
  • Unemployment could be largely avoided if the government carefully planned the allocation of labour.
  • Same income distribution.
  • Produces the goods and services at efficiency level.
  • Mistake decide in economy (decision made by some people only).
  • Technology and innovation are undeveloped because all production are decided by government.

Mixed Economy

 A economy system that incorporates a mixture of private and government ownership or control(capitalism and socialist).

# This system use market mechanism and allow government intervention in economy activities.
# Price level determine by price's mechanism but basic economy's problem resolved together between government and private.
# Individual and firm free to have properties.

# The government will try to reduce gap of income between rich and poor people(taxes and subsidies).
# Government will control the existence of monopolies.

# Business freedom is not totally offered for enterprise.

Islamic Economy
Economy which uses Allah's creation natural resources with most efficient and fair way based on Islamic laws.

* Al Quran and Hadith was the main sources in Islamic economics' activities.
* Individual free to own property 
* Individual no give priority to profit in business
* Fair competition permitted 
* Free to decide in economics

* Good in the world and afterworld 
* Free competition