Wednesday 18 February 2015

Elasticity (Week Five)

A measure of the responsiveness of a variable to a change in one of its determinants

There are four types of elasticity:
       A.  Price elasticity of demand
       B.  Income elasticity of demand
       C.  Cross elasticity of demand
       D.  Price elasticity of supply

 Price elasticity of demand
- Price elasticity of demand measure the responsiveness of the quantity demand due to change in its

 Formula :

Degree of a Price Elasticity of Demand

Income elasticity of demand

-Income elasticity of demand measure the responsiveness of changes in the quantity demand for a  product due to a change in income


 Interpreted the value of income elasticity

Elasticity for normal goods                    -is a condition in which the quantity demand for product
                increase as income increase.

Elasticity for luxuries goods                   -is a condition in which as the income increase,the quantity
                                                                 demand for a product increase

Elasticity for giffen goods or inferior    -is a condition in which quantity demand for a product
goods                                                    decrease as income increase.

Elasticity for necessity goods                 -is a condition in which the quantity demand for a product                                                                    does not change

      Extra notes :
Necessity goods  →zero income elasticity
Normal goods  → value of elastic < 1

 Cross -price elasticity of demand
- Cross price elasticity of demand measure can be defines as the degree of responsiveness of quantity demanded of goods.

Interpreted the value of cross elasticity 

      Value of elasticity
    Relationship of goods
>0 (positive)
<0 (negative)
     >0, <1